Find Your Bliss And Save Cash

By Cornelius Nunev

Pay attention, Type-A personalities. You don't have to prove your worth to us. Unwind, and find your bliss. It could be free, or quite inexpensive to do so.

Laughing is important

It is really important to laugh, and it will not cost you a thing. Make sure you are laughing and the people around you are enjoying themselves also. It can come from anything, but the most important thing is to stop taking the world around you so seriously. A little laughter can go a long way.

Do not forget about new things

Even if you watch simply for personal enjoyment, pay attention to the activities of others, activities with which you are not familiar. Rock climbing, Euclidean geometry or playing the piano is all activities that could be fun to view, depending upon your personal proclivities. You do not have to run off and take costly lessons. Be content with observing the pursuits, soaking it in. Pursuing them yourself is for another day and another time.

See the wild in action

You could end up really happy just by listening and observing the insects, reptiles and creatures around you. Listen to the noises that they give, especially in the mornings and evenings.

Free parks in summer

Get a chair or blanket and sit in the park listening to and watching the people around you. You can always bring lunch with you while enjoying the free activity of watching others. You do not have to spend money to be happy.

Go to the garden

Most towns have community flower gardens or greenhouses that you can get in to without having to pay some sort of fee. It is perfect for walking around the facilities and enjoying yourself among nature.

Cloud structures

If you would like to, you can do this while at the park, or you can do it on a separate outing. Go with friends and family, or you can do it alone, and look at the clouds. Classify them or simply identify the shapes you seeing if you do not know the different cloud types.

Do some reading

Rather than always reading to get info, you can read for pleasure. This is good for your mind because it is interactive and is not quite as hard on your brain as watching television. You will really enjoy the time spent reading.

Look at photos

Reconnect with your past through old photographs. Each has a story to tell, and the trip down memory lane doesn't cost a penny. Provided the memories are good memories, you are en route to personal bliss.

Watch a sport

Playing pick-up soccer, baseball or basketball might be viewed as being useful - sharpening skills, improving health - but the element of simply enjoying a game is much less pointed. The joyous state of mind brought on by doing something other than working with a client or buying groceries is a vital part of building the balance between yin and yang in your life.

Feel the water

You can hold off on all your work by going on a little walk in the evening or by taking off your shoes and feeling the sand between your toes. There are rivers and oceans around or even walking trails you can go on.

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