Forbes 400 Have Average Worth Of $4.2B

By Cornelius Nunev

The yearly Forbes 400 list of the richest Americans found that the net worth of the super-rich has climbed in the last 12 months. The income gap continues to widen, as the middle class recedes.

Making more cash

There was a 13 percent boost in the net worth of the 400 wealthiest people in the nation over the last year, an increase of $1.7 trillion, according to Forbes. NBC News explained that the 400 people make up about 12.5 percent of the country.

There has also been a rise in the typical net worth of each of the 400. It has increased to $4.2 billion per person.

There was an increase in income for 261 of the 400, mostly due to the rebounding real estate industry and stock growth.

Hardly anyone brand new rich

The top five from 2011 did not change to be Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Larry Ellison, Charles and Koch (tied for fourth) and Christie Walton. There were the anticipated names.

The worth of Gates increased $7 billion to $66 billion. The chairman of Microsoft has been at the top of the list for the last 19 years. There was an $8 billion boost seen by Larry Ellison of Oracle Group regardless of the truth that Warren Buffett only saw his worth rise by $7 billion.

Zuckerberg not doing well

Mark Zuckerberg lost about half of his net worth when Facebook went public this year, so his net worth is only $9.4 billion this year. That is one big exception the increasing.

More of gap than people want

In a separate study last week, the Economic Policy Institute discovered that the gap between the richest Americans and the typical family has more than doubled in the last half-century. According to the report, the nation's top one percent of earners made about 125 times that of a middle-income household in 1961. In 2010, it had escalated to a ratio of 288 to one.

The worth of the wealthy is increasing despite the belief that most Americans are seeing decreases in wealth lately.

While the trend has been active for decades, the Economic Policy Institute report noted that the gap has widened at a more rapid pace since the Great Recession.

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